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"Own" and "Own" in 1Cor 7:2


Real Person
"Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband." 1Cor 7:2 NKJV

This passage is often quoted as an argument in favor of monogamist theology, even by scholars (who oughta know better).

Admittedly, in English, it does look that way. Some even appeal to the Greek, and STILL say it does. Silly wabbits!

I don't know if the site is still even up where I learned it, but I may have stored the article. Will try to find it. However, here is what I believe to be the real poop on this passage:

The 2 words translated "own" are in fact 2 different words. Despite the contention of scholars saying that they are gender related, one can simply look through the rest of the NT to see how and where else they are used. Therein lies the story.

His "own" is used in singular possessive contexts, such as a man should eat his own food. (If you want to eat the food I just ate, you are seriously SICK! LOL)

Her "own" is used in contexts such as "Jesus returned to his own country." -- which was also the own country of every other resident. And "A servant must be obedient to his own master" -- who could also be the own master of severalother servants.

See the implications? Instead of being a proof text for monogamy, it is in reality a proof text for PM!!!

Muuuaaaaahaha! :D
Good point Cecil. As always, all New Testament concepts and doctrines MUST line up with Torah; so we know this and other of Paul's writings SEEM to contradict Torah, but in fact are mere tests of our knowledge of YHWH's Word, as Peter admonishes us in 2 Peter 3:15-16. That's why discipleship starts with TORAH and then we BUILD on that foundation. Of course Yahshua is the LIVING TORAH, so its the same foundation!
I'm glad you brought this up. However, I've been teaching (trying to teach) this simple truth to those forcing monogamy-only for quite a while. They have been shown the difference between the greek idios and heautou in that passage. 95% of them just don't care. They would rather stay on the road of blasphemy than to accept the truth.

How are monogamists blasphemers you might ask? Well, when any sect such as the Roman Catholic Church diverts away from the truth and calls marriage to more than one wife fornication, they are calling God a fornicator. Please see Ezekiel 23:4 and Jeremiah 31:32 where God depicts Himself as a polygamist.

So when monogamists call polygyny fornication they blaspheme God. Simple enough.
Ditto Memphis. Though this is a pretty good test of weather people are scripture serious or just fools after their own ideas. I tell them that when they go against poly they put themselves in judgment over God, but I also like how you call them blasphemers, they are after all.

Its pretty easy to see how heautou works as a reflexive, possesive, pronoun. But I have a hard time pinning down a simple way to explain idios in English, its applied in a huge variety of ways. It seems to entail something which is personal, but isn't possessive as we use the word in English, and it seems to deal with privacy a lot. If anyone has done a word study here and cares to elaborate I would appreciate it.