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NZ Good News


Seasoned Member
Zerohedge has published that most conservative party in recent history has won election:

So, resident and my favourite Kiwis, how much is this good news? Are they true conservatives or fakers?

Is Kiwiland again safe country from political disturbance in rest of world?
Oh gosh, wait until Samuel gets on here lol.

They're not conservatives. They are very marginally better than what we had, but not a lot.
Also, all the votes haven't been counted yet, and we still have to wait and see how they form a coalition. This is where it may get better, depending on whether they bring in NZ First, and what compromises they have to make there.
I say better, but it is not 'good'.
Just wait.... at 3.00am there is the possibility of a sudden influx of votes from unregistered dead voters from Guatemala. We know the influence these sorts of things can bring and the surprise results which will occur.

Aside from that, the National party is only left-light. There will still be the decisive racist program to generate social unrest in the general populous. They've already said they won't change the horrifically evil abortion laws Labour has given NZ or other legislation that promotes death.
most conservative party in recent history
That's hilarious. Did they actually say that?
Seriously, to put this in an American context, congratulating NZ on Luxon winning is like Hillary Clinton winning in 2016, and everyone saying "Isn't it wonderful that she beat Bernie Sanders". Imagine how excited that would have made you, and that's how excited I am with the NZ election result...

So New Zealand has two main political parties - National (nominally "right") and Labour (nominally "left"). National is roughly equivalent to the US Democrats, and Labour is roughly equivalent to the left wing of the Democrats. They're very, very similar, but they always hype up little differences to give the illusion of choice. Both are fully on board with every UN / WEF globalist agenda.

We then have a host of minor parties. Four of these tend to get into parliament and have got seats this election - the Greens (greenwashed communists), the Maori party (brown racists), New Zealand First (nationalist centrists - imagine the Democrat party led by Donald Trump but tiny), and ACT (centre-right - imagine the Republicans but led by atheistic pro-abortion / pro-euthanasia activists). And about a dozen more tiny parties, some of which would be great, but who never get anywhere because their support is too divided.

The Labour party has been in power one way or another for the past 6 years (two election cycles). During that time they did the whole Covid craziness, and have introduced racially divisive policies that undermine democracy and shift power towards a tribal elite. Very bad stuff.

However, the historical role of the Labour party is to introduce big changes - and the National party's role is to cement those changes permanently by trimming off the worst parts, tweaking the rest and making the country run smoothly again but now different than it was before. During covid, the National party 100% supported the Labour party with everything they did. However, as the opposition they had to pretend to oppose stuff - so they consistently argued that Labour was not doing enough, or not acting fast enough, and they would have locked down harder and faster and been even stricter. Even ACT did exactly the same, even though they claim to be libertarian.

Another good example of the differences is climate change. Labour says that climate change is a fact and we're going to have to deal with it, so let's lead the world and do all the things. While National says that climate change is a fact and we're going to have to deal with it, so let's lead the world and do all the things, but slightly slower than Labour would to give people more time to adjust. So, you know that policy Labour was promising? We'll delay it for a year, aren't we great.

The likely result of this election will be a National - ACT coalition, with some working arrangement with NZFirst. This does have some positives - they will roll back some of Labour's most racist recent laws, and will make a big song and dance about it so everyone knows how great they are. However, they will not get rid of all of it (they never do). They'll delay climate stuff but keep on the same trajectory. They'll stay on the same track regarding covid-type issues.

And they will introduce of genetic modification to our farming industry (they're both really big this and have pushed it heavily), with the excuse that it will help us cope with climate change.

ACT is a real disappointment. The party is supposedly the closest thing we have to libertarians. But imagine the most arrogant, stupid-but-thinks-he's-wise young atheistic philosophy university student you've ever had the misfortune to talk to - that's their leader and a lot of their candidates. When it came to covid, they threw out all their principles and went along with everything. They are good on gun laws, and that's about all.

The only bright spot is NZFirst, and they're not that exciting. They are the only party to push back on the covid agenda at all - but not much, they were actually in parliament with Labour during the first year of it before losing an election, and they are careful to always pretend that everything they were involved in was perfect, and everything only went downhill once they were not involved any more. But they do say a lot of the right things, and will push back on racism.

If NZFirst had got >10% of the vote, and had enough clout to act as a proper handbrake on National / ACT's globalist agenda, I'd be comfortable. As it is I'm pleased some things will be changed but am largely just bracing for a different set of nonsense.
That's hilarious. Did they actually say that?
Seriously, to put this in an American context, congratulating NZ on Luxon winning is like Hillary Clinton winning in 2016, and everyone saying "Isn't it wonderful that she beat Bernie Sanders". Imagine how excited that would have made you, and that's how excited I am with the NZ election result...

So New Zealand has two main political parties - National (nominally "right") and Labour (nominally "left"). National is roughly equivalent to the US Democrats, and Labour is roughly equivalent to the left wing of the Democrats. They're very, very similar, but they always hype up little differences to give the illusion of choice. Both are fully on board with every UN / WEF globalist agenda.

We then have a host of minor parties. Four of these tend to get into parliament and have got seats this election - the Greens (greenwashed communists), the Maori party (brown racists), New Zealand First (nationalist centrists - imagine the Democrat party led by Donald Trump but tiny), and ACT (centre-right - imagine the Republicans but led by atheistic pro-abortion / pro-euthanasia activists). And about a dozen more tiny parties, some of which would be great, but who never get anywhere because their support is too divided.

The Labour party has been in power one way or another for the past 6 years (two election cycles). During that time they did the whole Covid craziness, and have introduced racially divisive policies that undermine democracy and shift power towards a tribal elite. Very bad stuff.

However, the historical role of the Labour party is to introduce big changes - and the National party's role is to cement those changes permanently by trimming off the worst parts, tweaking the rest and making the country run smoothly again but now different than it was before. During covid, the National party 100% supported the Labour party with everything they did. However, as the opposition they had to pretend to oppose stuff - so they consistently argued that Labour was not doing enough, or not acting fast enough, and they would have locked down harder and faster and been even stricter. Even ACT did exactly the same, even though they claim to be libertarian.

Another good example of the differences is climate change. Labour says that climate change is a fact and we're going to have to deal with it, so let's lead the world and do all the things. While National says that climate change is a fact and we're going to have to deal with it, so let's lead the world and do all the things, but slightly slower than Labour would to give people more time to adjust. So, you know that policy Labour was promising? We'll delay it for a year, aren't we great.

The likely result of this election will be a National - ACT coalition, with some working arrangement with NZFirst. This does have some positives - they will roll back some of Labour's most racist recent laws, and will make a big song and dance about it so everyone knows how great they are. However, they will not get rid of all of it (they never do). They'll delay climate stuff but keep on the same trajectory. They'll stay on the same track regarding covid-type issues.

And they will introduce of genetic modification to our farming industry (they're both really big this and have pushed it heavily), with the excuse that it will help us cope with climate change.

ACT is a real disappointment. The party is supposedly the closest thing we have to libertarians. But imagine the most arrogant, stupid-but-thinks-he's-wise young atheistic philosophy university student you've ever had the misfortune to talk to - that's their leader and a lot of their candidates. When it came to covid, they threw out all their principles and went along with everything. They are good on gun laws, and that's about all.

The only bright spot is NZFirst, and they're not that exciting. They are the only party to push back on the covid agenda at all - but not much, they were actually in parliament with Labour during the first year of it before losing an election, and they are careful to always pretend that everything they were involved in was perfect, and everything only went downhill once they were not involved any more. But they do say a lot of the right things, and will push back on racism.

If NZFirst had got >10% of the vote, and had enough clout to act as a proper handbrake on National / ACT's globalist agenda, I'd be comfortable. As it is I'm pleased some things will be changed but am largely just bracing for a different set of nonsense.
Your analysis is for me spot on
ive heard some comment that we’ve been saved now.
But the reality is no we haven’t, we are still in troubled times and the new suit that rules might well end up being fiscally responsible but doubt there will be a correction of bill of rights infringements Etc . In the long run we may not be any better off , time will tell.
My hope is when the special votes are counted that National / act will need Nz first to get a majority
As it is I'm pleased some things will be changed but am largely just bracing for a different set of nonsense.
Could not agree more
I apologize for taking a new headline at face value!

Pretty much always a mistake, huh?
Also, Labour is incompetent (bunch of academics) and that has been a blessing in a way - they had evil plans but were too incompetent to do it all. National are competent (bunch of experienced businesspeople), so whatever they want to do will actually happen. Also, people are under the illusion they are better than Labour so will be more complacent and less likely to protest. That means faster implementation of the globalist agenda.
Is National party globalist or national? Don't look just at their program. Are they for unconditional globalization or globalization only when benefits NZ?

Don't expect much competence from business men. State bureacracy is different beast than their employees. At least employees are fireable if not obedient enough, something problematic for state bureacrats.

Whole situation could easily finish where bureacrats are in charge, but they are unable to push desired changes.
Globalist. They used to be nationalist but have not been since the early 1980s, last time they were nationalist would have been under Muldoon. Labour introduced globalist reforms in the 1980s and National have been globalist ever since because, as I said earlier, Labour leads the way and National makes it work. So they've been working on making globalism work since then.
Seriously, to put this in an American context, congratulating NZ on Luxon winning is like Hillary Clinton winning in 2016, and everyone saying "Isn't it wonderful that she beat Bernie Sanders".

Thank you. That puts it all in the proper perspective.
There is some possibility that some parties take what they like from WEFs program. It does lead toward more control over population, something most politicians want to do.

Thing is that such party doesn't have to aligned with WEF.
I see in the news the NZ election results are in and Winnie will get to play in the political cesspool again, this time with the Nats and ACT. There's so much to look forward to and the excitement is.... .
Samuel's analysis is about what what would expect. Unfortunately it doesn't give me a lot of a boost with respect to my hopes for our kiwi cousins, more is the pity.

Don't wish to seem like a downer but to take a page from one of our American political commentators, I don't think it has gotten bad enough yet.
People across all the west are angry, frustrated and grumbling as much as they have in my lifetime. Are they willing to start standing up and resisting politically in much larger numbers? Consider me dubious.

More to say in broad stoke terms but i suppose I should reserve it for the tinfoil hat conversation if I am going to dispense black pills.

I do know that those of us who are in the position to have more kids...things are not going to get better soon and our distant ancestors did not wait till things got better to have more kids. They had kids and taught them to be better and to help make the world better.

Wow. I am maudlin this evening
I am less pessimistic than I was. I think electorates are rippling rightward and shifting the Overton window, especially on immigration and crime. It does not appear dramatic bat the moment and may not be but I’m hopeful hat it buys the west a little breathing room to let the baby boomers die out and the craziest of crazies to burn out. All is not lost yet. Something might be salvaged from this cesspool. It won’t look the post WWII order but it may still be distinctly western and I’m even a little hopeful it might be firmly Christian.
I must admit I have been pleasantly surprised by the new government. The coalition agreement between the three parties resulted in some more positive resolutions than I was expecting. They're going to be doing some decent work to roll back the dangerous racial strife the last government was fomenting. They will be looking into whether they can reopen the local oil refinery. They will be holding a deliberately-crippled covid enquiry with a scope that is carefully limited to ensure nothing bad can be found about their own involvement in the scam and will therefore achieve nothing, which is unfortunate. And they're going to be pushing genetic modification in agriculture, purely bad, and GPS tracking of all vehicles for calculation of road user charges, which will start out good as it means charging electric cars for their road use (they get a free pass at present) and offers certain practical advantages for business (it means farmers can be charged for only their on-road use and not their off-road driving, a perennial problem), but will also end up very bad for obvious Big Brother reasons. So it's a mixed bag. However, on balance, this is a serious improvement, and I'm less pessimistic than I was earlier in this discussion.