I am sure, as with everything made by man, that "Big Love" has givers and takers on the show. Only my husband and I have watched it, mainly out of curiosity. We do not subscribe to the cable network that runs the show; however, we stumbled across the series of "Big Love" seasons on DVD at the local public library which we were able to rent. Of course, the show is being created to obtain an audience as with most television nowadays, but it is the closest thing to polygamy that I have ever had the chance to watch. Maybe if this new show "Midline" is picked up, it will show a more positive light of what we all feel polygamy is about. Having been raised by a father who was a strict, Methodist minister who finagled bible scriptures to preach what he considered to be the truth, I was attracted to "Big Love" because this was the first time I have ever seen people effectively living out plural marriages.