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Natural remedies for depression?

It depends which type of depression you have.

Useful interventions could be vitamins B (tiamibe especially), magnesium, sugar reduction, enough sleep and certain aminoacids.

Additionally, it is possible depression is only visible symptom of chronic infection.
I tend to get a bit blue with the shorter days coming into winter. I figured it out eventually... I just didn't have my normal enthusiasm for life. .. I just couldn't get excited about anything.
Walks in the sunshine where you can see for a distance can help. As others have said, good nutrition can help.
You may also look at symptoms of estrogen dominance and see if any of those fit what you are experiencing. Progesterone supplementation has certainly helped me stay level emotionally.
Many chemicals mimic estrogen in the body....so avoiding things like fabric softeners can help too!
Praise music is another thing I find helpful. I remember once in my teens sitting down with my accordion. At first every song I played was blue. Gradually that shifted, as I played. When I played How Great Thou Art I realized I couldn't top that one...and I had played myself into a happier place.
Constant prayer asking God to give you wisdom

James 1:5 And if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, who is giving to all generously
Iodine, magnesium and vit d deficiency can all cause depression. Upping those (which almost everyone is deficient) can help.

Look up Dr Berg on YouTube and search his videos on depression.
All of the suggestions above will help. Picking something to DO, a purpose, and doing it will help a lot.
  • Wake up in the morning and go for a 30 minute walk immediately.
  • Cold plunges 2-3 minutes in water 55F up to your chin. Start out sitting in 60F water to your navel for 2 mins, then take it up notches as you can until you're doing a full cold plunge. Hateful habit but you feel good all day.
  • Exercise. Get exercising.
  • Cut out sugar and junk foods.
  • Magnesium and CBD at bedtime, do not stay up late.
  • Vitamin D 10,000 iu in the morning
  • Find someone to help, be a blessing to someone regularly even if it's a small thing
  • If you're using social media, eliminate it from your life, it's a dopamine addiction and will make life feel dull
I will also mention that nutritional deficiency can be a factor. I'd recommend vitamin D if you aren't taking it.

I've never had serious depression but here are some things that have helped me.

Exercise, especially early morning, and especially weight lifting. I'm a man, and I understand that a lot of women focus only on cardio exercise. Weight lifting is really good for you.

Two particular types of prayer have also seemed particularly helpful.
1. Giving praise and adoration to God, especially for Person and Saving work of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
2. Praying for the Lord to bless my brothers and sisters in Christ

Sometimes depression has spiritual causes. The famous (and long deceased) pastor Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote a well known book on the topic.

Here is a link to a sermon of his on the topic. Please bear with the poor sound quality (and his odd voice) the recording is old, and the man was Welsh. ☺️

Barring male hormone transfusion, these are probably your best bets.
Speaking of that issue, females do need some testosterone (and naturally have a little). Raising her testosterone a bit might be helpful. I certainly wouldn't suggest injections, but a dietary shift to encourage testosterone production might be helpful.

Consumption of Brassicas (kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, radish, brussel sprouts etc) is generally really good for you and favors testosterone production. Eggs are also good for testosterone production, as is the mineral Zinc.
Well there's depression because of sin, but I don't believe that's your issue.
For someone I knew, the solution to her depression was simply realising that there was not something seriously wrong with her not being happy all the time. Our culture bears down on and against people who do not have a cheerful disposition or have had a hard time moving on from tragedy. And well, she was reading the scriptures and noticed that while some righteous people were happy others were much more mournful and there was nothing wrong with that. There's a time to be happy and a time to be sad, so sometimes you just need to know that there's nothing wrong with you being depressed in spirit.
When I have found myself depressed the best things have been for me to relax and remind myself that it's okay to take a break. Our minds need time to rest just as our bodies do and it's not just being idle.
Sorry I know it might not be helpful or what you're looking for but that's my two cents.
For someone I knew, the solution to her depression was simply realising that there was not something seriously wrong with her not being happy all the time.
We can't know what is issue.

Depression is symptom for probably like 1000s potential issues. Counting potential causes for psyhcological diseases hasn't been stopped at 1400. At depresssion can also be caused by bunch of physical diseases (any inflammation).
Depression is symptom for probably like 1000s potential issues. Counting potential causes for psyhcological diseases hasn't been stopped at 1400. At depresssion can also be caused by bunch of physical diseases (any inflammation).
True enough. It can be linked to sickness (in which case I believe the best solution would be to try natural remedies to improve health) but it can also just be that this world is incredibly oppressive, demeaning and depressive by nature.
A lot of people I know have been convinced something is wrong with them and they need to be fixed because they are not happy all the time or even most of the time. (Not saying that is the issue of the person asking just my thoughts on the topic) They weren't sick, their lives were just hard and they were told that taking pills would make them happy like they were supposed to be. Which went horribly wrong in most cases.
Now there is serious depression caused by illness, etc, but at least for most teenage girls (as the girl I know was) that's not the problem. The problem often was that other people convinced them that by not being happy there was something wrong with them. In my senior year of highschool I had a group project and out of six people, I was the only one not seeing a psychologist and takings pills for some disorder or another. Now this was not a class for "special kids" these were normal teenagers at a regular highschool down in NC. Needless to say I was shocked. And I don't believe at least half of those kids needed either the psychologist or the pills. They just needed to buckle down, struggle through life, and realize there wasn't something wrong with them for having a hard time. And if they can do that they will end up happier because they weren't sick, and treating them as if they were sick can cause problems. That's what's nice about natural remedies (like walking, etc), they don't generally cause any problems even if you aren't sick. They can usually only benefit.
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They just needed to buckle down, struggle through life, and realize their wasn't s
Yes, people all too often don’t believe that they should have any struggles in their lives. A product of participation trophies for showing up.
Natural remedies for depression?


We learned a lot about gut health this past year. They say gut health is 80% of your immune system!

The book Super Gut helped us all feel better....but the author believes it is largely the healthy microbiome being lost and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) being epidemic in our world that is creating all kinds of health problems INCLUDING DEPRESSION!

There is a prophetic element that connects this. L. Routeri bacteria cultured in milk does this. It is written that in the last days the love of many will wax cold. The author believes SIBO and the health issues it causes is largely to blame for people not feeling connected in our modern world.