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Marrying Twins

Sorry, I’m being excessively obscure again, I just didn’t want any triplets out there to feel rejected and that I would gladly make room for them in my lifeo_O
When did Moses marry sisters?

I was wrong. Thot he had married 2 of Jethro's daughters but see I was mistaken. Thanks for pointing that out.
it’s possible we just aren’t given that much information... interesting thought though...
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Previous discussions on this topic:

Commentary on Leviticus 18:18 (other commentaries)

Official FAQ: Is Marrying Sisters Prohibited? (contains dead link to old discussion)

Identical twin sisters and polygamy (with statistics)

Adding my sister as a sister-wife?

Why is a woman and her daughter/mother forbidden?

A couple of those links brought up the idea of Leverite marriage throwing a monkey-wrench in this verse. In large families it is not uncommon for two brothers to marry girls who are sisters.
Just finished reading the Dargers book Love times Three. Their family is comprised of cousins entering the family simultaneously, some years later, one of the wives has a twin sister that joined the family at both wives initiative.

Pretty good read. Lots of info in there on a decent poly culture and it’s norms.
I agree with your assessment of that book. The people involved also made themselves available for a longitudinal study of polygamous marriages.
h/t @Frank_S for this...

A 92-year-old man believes he just might have the solution to make polygamous marriage work.
We have read advice on how to make relationships work and keeping the sex life vibrant in monogamous marriages. However, no one has ever taken time to advise people on how to make a polygamous marriage work.

Having been married five times, Thozamile Pikoli believes he has the answer to keeping the peace in a polygamous marriage.

Speaking to Daily Sun, Pikoli says polygamous marriages do not work because the wives don’t care about each other, further advising men to marry from the same family, as sisters will definitely care about each other.

The 92-year-old father of 20 from Port Alfred has had five wives. He has more than 30 grandchildren and great grandchildren.

He told the publication he was married to two sisters at the same time. After they died, he married three other women and divorced two, and now he is left with one. One of his ex-wives was his current wife’s cousin.

Marrying from the same families seems to have worked for Pikoli, as his current wife reportedly told the tabloid she did not have a problem with her husband taking other wives. She further said she never fought with his other wives when they were still alive, and did not regret marrying the same man as her sister and cousin.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Pikoli says polygamous marriages do not work because the wives don’t care about each other, further advising men to marry from the same family, as sisters will definitely care about each other.

Riiight, because sisters always get along. Sure. Just like Rachel and Leah.

Keeping a family integrated and a blessing to each other takes a great deal of intentionality.
In some cases marrying sisters may be a shortcut to unity, but it could easily go south if he isn’t doing the hard work.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Pikoli says polygamous marriages do not work because the wives don’t care about each other, further advising men to marry from the same family, as sisters will definitely care about each other.

Riiight, because sisters always get along. Sure. Just like Rachel and Leah.
Keeping a family integrated and a blessing to each other takes a great deal of intentionality.
In some cases marrying sisters may be a shortcut to unity, but it could easily go south if he isn’t doing the hard work.

Maybe it's different in his culture?
.....advising men to marry from the same family, as sisters will definitely care about each other.

Sisters certainly care about each other, and they may have less to fight about in a shared household then women coming from different families with different ways of doing things. For example, a germaphobe woman raised by a germaphobe mom is not going to have an easy time living with someone who grew up sharing the water jug with all 12 of the kids next door, and just not caring about what microcritters might be on the hands she eats her sandwich with.

Sisters might not want to live with each other's differences forever, thinking growing up together was ENOUGH! ...but might feel differently if they had any idea of what issues the unknown woman might bring to the family.
I’m not saying that sisters won’t get along, some will and some won’t.
Here’s the thing, in many cultures where plural marriage is practiced there is no attempt by the husband to assist the integration of the women, he just marries who he will and throws them together to work it out on their own, sink or swim.
This man’s advice to marry sisters in order to have peace in his home may be the only proactive thing that he ever does. We don’t know.
Although, in a culture where women are more oppressed the dynamic may be very much in line with his advice.
Even in Western culture I have seen many cases where the husband doesn’t play much of a role in helping the wives work through relationship issues. The strongest, meanest, or favorite, one rules the roost. Or they just have separate houses with WGTOW, wives going their own way.
many cultures where plural marriage is practiced

Historically speaking, many cultures which practiced polygamy exclusively married sisters. So in theory it can work.

Even in Western culture I have seen many cases where the husband doesn’t play much of a role in helping the wives work through relationship issues. The strongest, meanest, or favorite, one rules the roost. Or they just have separate houses with WGTOW, wives going their own way.

In other words, the husbands aren't really leading. Matriarchy with shared assets (asset being the man).
In other words, the husbands aren't really leading. Matriarchy with shared assets (asset being the man).
Yes, or just being a boss and allowing an under-boss.