I think it is important to know the will of God concerning our health -- in III John 3 God says "I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers."
Maintaining "optimal" health requires first of all - Discipline. (Hmm, similar to our spiritual health, isnt' it?!) Some of the areas we have become disciplined in are:
We make sure to drink half our weight in water - daily.
We exercise at least 30 min. - daily.
We greatly LIMIT our intake of simple carbohydrates -- (things that contain white sugar, white flour, white rice, chips and other such snacks). We rarely eat these at home - but do enjoy a taste of these things at special gatherings (that keeps these things "special" that way, too). We also do NOT drink soda - only diet soda, and again, as the occasion not the rule!
We eat plenty of vegetables -- fresh during the summer months (yum) - and some fruits (not too much fruit due to sugar content - even though it IS healthier than the simple carbs).
We also take food supplements (not "vitamins") from a 50 + year old company that actually has over 100 research and clinical studies published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals (in other words - NOT your average company!) Don & I are both over 50 and do not require ANY prescription medicines for health problems that many of our same-age peers already suffer from! (We have no arthritis, no high blood pressure, very healthy cholesterol and actually all our blood tests are in the extremely healthy range!)
One other thing we did was to get in the healthy weight range for height and age. (I lost 40 pounds and Don lost 30) We were able to do that by making the above "life style changes" - which were a part of our Cinch Coach (inch loss system). We did NOT "diet" - when you go on a "diet" you gain it all back when you go "off" the diet!
All of the above is a part of the first word I started this with -- Discipline. (Even God says in His Word - in Hebrews 12:11 that "for the time being no discipline brings joy"
) But, the "fruit" of discipline is always good! We have become healthier now than we were in our 40's! (And, Ginny is beginning to make some changes, too -- she has been working on some more important "inner" matters - which will in turn give her the strength to do as we have -- so keep her in prayer so she can improve her health once she is strong enough in her spirit to do so!)
Oh - one other important thing --- EVERYTHING starts with our thoughts.......... so to BE Healthy you have to start THINKING healthy (remember Prov 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."
Then you start SPEAKING healthy Prov. 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]." Which will lead to LIVING healthy
If anyone would like any personal encouragement - or tips - we'd be glad to share personally with anyone (none of this happened overnight!!!) Total Wellness is a journey - one that we are still on ourselves!