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Learning from LGBT

I think he missed THE main point, and it's not just Big Money, and the NWO, pushing LGBT. It's the anti-Yah Satanic element. Nothing "natural," or "evolutionary" about it - just the effort of pagan Evil.
I think he missed THE main point, and it's not just Big Money, and the NWO, pushing LGBT. It's the anti-Yah Satanic element. Nothing "natural," or "evolutionary" about it - just the effort of pagan Evil.
He is economist, not pastor/priest. He isn't supposed to talk about supernatural elements.

And he is bloody right. High status activities will be copied by other people. It's social mechanism, not Satan influence, since it applies to both virtues and vices.

So if gays are seen as high status and sofisticated people, other will want to be like them which implies part of population will behave as gays not due to their "sexual orientation", but desire for status.
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I think he missed THE main point, and it's not just Big Money, and the NWO, pushing LGBT. It's the anti-Yah Satanic element. Nothing "natural," or "evolutionary" about it - just the effort of pagan Evil.
I think the article identified the problem accurately, the author just didn't use religious terms.

He called it the "selfish gene." There is actually a connection to 'satan' if you will, because satanists are truly anarchists, believing self is the highest power. This is what Paul called the "Mystery of iniquity" (lawlessness) it is the one who sits in the temple of God, telling himself he IS God.

It was a thought provoking article as @frederick said.

i am sharing it with all my family that are "doing their part" and having children.

Hubby has a single mom niece that is decidedly anti poly....at least personally ...for her. She's polite to us. The silly gal asked my sisterwife, her sister in law, and my daughter in law one day what they do about birth control. They all told her....they don't worry about it. *grin*
Well, to borrow an idea from a gun control meme.... Birth control (around here) is the woman staying composed while pushing out her baby! Lol

There are three babies on the way right now that will be sibling, cousin, and niece (or nephew) for our children. Silly single mom should know her audience! LOL
High status activities will be copied by other people. It's social mechanism, not Satan influence, since it applies to both virtues and vices.
It is what happens when people follow people (humanism =baal worship) instead of following truth as revealed in the Bible.

Here is a thought provoking message for believers that connects baal worship to humanism and human government. This is where "the rubber meets the road."

It is what happens when people follow people (humanism =baal worship) instead of following truth as revealed in the Bible.
He called it the "selfish gene."
Until we have the guts to start calling things what they ARE, "lawlessness will abound" and Deception will prevail.

Cutting the breasts and genitals off of little girls and boys is not "gender-affirming care."
Teaching "abomination" is not "education."

Immune-destroying injections of mRNA are not "vaccine."

And whatever "won" the gold at the HOlympics was not a woman. And it sure as hell wasn't "woman's sports," or even "boxing."

DEI is actually DIE - hatred of competence, and ultimately worship of death.

When we allow the language to be corrupted by Satanic Evil - we are being complicit in silence.

"Do not keep silent."
DEI is actually DIE - hatred of competence, and ultimately worship of death.

When we allow the language to be corrupted by Satanic Evil - we are being complicit in silence.

"Do not keep silent."
Just had that conversation yesterday in real life about DEI being DIE instead, With a pilot who knows that Southwest Airlines Woke stupid will take care of it's self. Being a gay, black, woman for example might get one hired there....and trained as a pilot..but it does not make that individual the skill set needed to be a pilot....so the training is wasted.

I have never kept silent. I have been accused of speaking too much.
There is no need to be spiritual here. No hand of Satan required.

It's simple alliance of gays wanting status and ruling elite providing it because they want ro destroy families in order to amass more power and make more people depended on them.
There is no need to be spiritual here. No hand of Satan required.
Failing to comprehend what is happening in the spiritual realm is shortsighted.
There is no need to be spiritual here. No hand of Satan required.
Why do you think they use the rainbow? The rainbow was the covenant sign that the Most High would not destroy the Earth by flood for its lawlessness.

So they use the rainbow flag as a provocation, because pride month is a celebration of lawlessness. How about that for spiritual warfare.
Failing to comprehend what is happening in the spiritual realm is shortsighted.

And perhaps deadly.

Why do you think they use the rainbow? The rainbow was the covenant sign that the Most High would not destroy the Earth by flood for its lawlessness.

So they use the rainbow flag as a provocation, because pride month is a celebration of lawlessness. How about that for spiritual warfare.
And you all three are guilty of disregarding natural consequences while pretending they are spiritual.

Look, apple has fallen from tree. It must be some angel carrying it. No way it's gravity.

Economics is study of human behaviours. And since there are economics laws, there must be other laws of human behaviours.

Hey morons, how do you feel? Offended? See, another law. *

It's simple. Percent of LGBT++++ population is growing, especially white. Reason? If you normal person, especially white, you are oppresor. And all oppresors are evil, while oppresed are righteous. And since gays are oppresed, it's natural to become gay just not to feel guilty of your existence and feel at once moral.

Solution is simple. Being normal is OK, gay is icky, and gays will self-isolate themselves in ghettos and underground.

*"Educational" insult to prove point
And you all three are guilty of disregarding natural consequences while pretending they are spiritual.

Look, apple has fallen from tree. It must be some angel carrying it. No way it's gravity.

Economics is study of human behaviours. And since there are economics laws, there must be other laws of human behaviours.

Hey morons, how do you feel? Offended? See, another law. *

It's simple. Percent of LGBT++++ population is growing, especially white. Reason? If you normal person, especially white, you are oppresor. And all oppresors are evil, while oppresed are righteous. And since gays are oppresed, it's natural to become gay just not to feel guilty of your existence and feel at once moral.

Solution is simple. Being normal is OK, gay is icky, and gays will self-isolate themselves in ghettos and underground.

*"Educational" insult to prove point
How to say I don’t know what is going on, without saying I don’t know what is going on.
It's simple. Percent of LGBT++++ population is growing, especially white. Reason?
Someone quoted that 80% of women sleep with 20% of men. Therefore, most women have no problem with polygynous men. They just prefer the un-righteous version of it, and then throw the righteous version of it (and the men that practice it) under the bus.

Why? Because it's what the world pushes out, and most people will follow the crowd. Why were women okay with the righteous version of polygyny before? We read in the Scriptures that sometimes it was the women that were the ones finding their husbands an additional wife (Sarah and Leah for example). Did women's DNA change (covid injections aside)? Of course not - it's just that the customs and norms have changed, and most people will follow the crowd (Romans 12:2 warns against following norms of the world). So who is controlling what is getting pushed out in the world - today? The Dragon, Serpent, Devil, Lucifer, Satan - however you want to call him - he is the ruler of this world:

John 14:30 KJV
Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

John 14:30 NKJV
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.

Revelation 12:7
Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

Revelation 12:9
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

You can believe it or not - it's what the Scriptures say - and the elites of the world pay homage to him. Albert Pike - a 33rd Degree Freemason wrote in his book about Freemasonry (Morals and Dogmas) - that the god that they worship is Lucifer - the Light Bearer. Here is Jacob Rothchild and a self-proclaimed witch paying homage to him:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 5.23.58 PM.png
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