And while he reaffirmed His laws and statutes and judgements they are no longer a matter of Life and death.
Okay, hypothetically, I believe in Yeshua, but intentionally and knowingly break/disobey 'His laws and statutes', am I saved? Or, am I demonstrating that I don't really have faith. Just lip service? If you were dating a lady, not yet married to her, and you laid out the standards by which you live and expect her to live, would you still marry her if she didn't do what you laid out? If she was rebellious?
Example: NINE times in Scripture, Shabbat is commanded. Nowhere ever is there a change of day. Scripture prophesies observance in the future. If I keep it am I being religious and legalistic ? Or, obedient? If I remind others of what the Scriptures do and don't say regarding Shabbat am I being legalistic? Or, loving?
I do agree that we can make the law the goal, but I want to be clear, obedience, to the best of our abilities and understanding as a demonstration of love and submission to the Father, is the goal. When we mess up, we have an Advocate... but, the Advocate's job is not to make excuses or cover willful disobedience.
Here's something I find incredibly amusing: Those who use Torah to defend poly while declaring other parts unimportant or irrelevant. Just. Does. Not. Compute.
It's a total package. We may learn and become aware of it incrementally, but as things are revealed or as we are challenged, it is incumbent to dig, pray and accept.
I just saw this video:
She talks of her struggles to take on poly, but her message perfectly fits our own wrestling with God's everlasting instructions. She tells my story regarding coming to Torah...
Brachot v'shabbat shalom!