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Is the monogamy only position encouraged by demons?

Are there any stories involving "exorcisms" and the like involving the monogamy only position?

People at pentecostal Churches often talk about driving out demons and even give them specific names.

Do you think people can get the "Monogamy only position demon" driven out of them (if that is it's name.)

If it is even Biblical to give demons specific names and refer to specific types like "lust demons," "Jezebel spirits".......

Specific specialized types and names or no specific specialized types.....

There sure is good reason to suspect a connection with the Monogamy only position and demons.

1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.
1 Timothy 4:1-3 NIV 2011

1BUT THE [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach,

2Through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared (cauterized),

3Who forbid people to marry and [teach them] to abstain from [certain kinds of] foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and have [an increasingly clear] knowledge of the truth.

4For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be thrown away or refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

5For it is hallowed and consecrated by the Word of God and by prayer.

1 Timothy 4:1-5 Amplified

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1 Timothy 4:1 KJV
i think that spirits of pride, selfishness, etc. could handle the job pretty well .
Hey Mark, without getting too deep into names do tell how you know your experience was demonically influenced. Thx,
At some point, I will literally write a book. But for now, suffice it to say that it involved explicit and continuing attacks on my wife B. I have not given up on her, nor ceased to pray and fast that she will be delivered. The prayers of others continue to be solicited as well, of course.

But the battle continues, and I have no doubt about what it entails.

You make an excellent point here. I have not really thought of it in this light before, but it clearly is demonic to believe the way many people believe about monogamy. Even my estranged first wife heard prophetically the call to poly, but when it came down to actually having to do what God told her to do, she bolted. Before she went though, she manifested in such a way that I thought she was possessed. I rebuked her devils, but she did not stop, so I am sure she probably was just in the flesh and under the direction of such demonic influence and not actually possessed.

Now my second wife is faced with taking on another and she is acting the same way with jealous insecurity. I can see the same demonic influence. However, this time I have taken the bull by the horns early and hopefully this will prevent her from making the same stupid mistakes that the first wife did. I have pointed out to her how she is behaving in exactly the same fashion as the first did to her and asked her if she really wants to go down the same dead end road. She says she does not, so we will see. However, this is a universal problem. It is the flesh and it is clearly supported by devils. How to rightly deal with it is unclear to me at this point. I am simply praying daily, standing on the Word and expecting God to sort the people out.

I believe that Jesus asked the demoniac for a name for a specific reason. Devils do have names and it may allow us to direct our rebuke if we can get the name. THere is at least one book that I have read which addresses this notion. I am no authority on devils, but I really believe you may be on to something here. Keep praying and see what God reveals to you. Then you can let us know.


It is a usually forgotten take on monogamy. Part of it is in understanding what is in it for the demons. If demons control sexual thoughts and any activity beyond monogamy then they become the gatekeepers to additional activity in a manner they can feed upon. The righteousness home and plural truth and freedom has no initial attraction to them. However, by adding jealousy, public persecution, etc. they attack what has stopped their feeding frenzy and even manage to reestablish it often. It is a battle that must be fought with the power of the Holy Spirit covered by the blood shed on the cross. Moral zealots by their limiting, support the foundation for demonic control masked as a righteousness. But actually is self-righteousness. Example....the drive to legally define marriage as one man with one woman.
Monogamy has no right to claim a higher moral position over another. Monogamy is what drives sinful sexual release in our society. There is a righteous approach to additional sexual activity.
Maddog said:
Hey Mark, without getting too deep into names do tell how you know your experience was demonically influenced. Thx,

It depends on how subtle it is.

I believe a large number of people are misdiagnosed for mental illness but are actually demonized and or just sinful and a small number of people are misdiagnosed as demonized but actually have a medical/psychological condition. I believe that very few psychological conditions are purely psychological and not medical or spiritual. That is psychology is mostly fake but neurobiology and Christianity are both real.

Symptoms can include physical changes that defy the laws of biology and or physics such as superhuman strength, changed voices, levitation and changed facial expressions (that look like a different persons face that the person cannot duplicate under normal conditions, same way with voice) that someone should not be able to achieve through natural means. Electromagnetism, Heat and Cold, touching your body when there is nothing there to touch you and nothing to cause them. Sudden uncontrolled feelings with no rational explanation. Doublethink and doubletalk. Sudden, strong temptation to sin, by this I mean much much stronger than usual. Feels like something/someone is physically inside you but they are a spiritual presence, it is not like a human but is self-evidently demonic. Moving shadows that do not follow normal laws of light such as a shadow in the shape of a human running with no person. People talking to people who are not there or who look like they have rotting flesh to the family and friends of the person who likes them but look like the most handsome potential spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend to demonized person who likes them. Talking to one's self. Hearing voices that are not there. Hearing a voice/thoughts of something in your head that is not like your normal voice/thoughts or feels like it is from another individual than yourself. Implanted thoughts and images that torment a person such as seeing violent seems or pictures of suicide or of sex or of occult practices in one's mind over and over again often coupled with an intense feeling or feelings of fear, worry, lust or anger in an ungodly manner, often coupled with the desire to physically act on these thoughts such as through sex, violent acts, blasphemy or suicide. Strong desire to call on the name of a demon or another god even if you know it is wrong. Blasphemous words just come straight out of your mouth and it feels like you have little control either a saying/song/chant gets in your head several times and you just say it or it just suddenly comes out. Eyes of the individual can be a sign if they look confused or glossy. Some people can also sometimes feel a spirit directly from another individual. Demons can perform miracles including healing people and foretelling events minutes in advance. They can turn on and off electrical sources. They can disguise as ghosts and sometimes do something at someone's "command" although maybe they prompt the person to give the command. Someone else suddenly changing their mind to reject a godly path. Seeing UFOs in some but not all cases of UFOs. The stuff that real scares children, is either really happening demonically or is a real normal event but demons make them extra scared of the normal, which is why it is not good to watch horror movies. Unable to sleep but crying at night over past traumas suddenly interrupting your sleep. Strong desire to reject scripture on the basis of feelings and not logic with the desire to reject even when it runs contrary to your normal logic and desired feelings (that is the feelings you want to have as opposed to the ones you do have.) Strong aversion to authentic Christianity and the authentic Jesus. Feeling that God cannot forgive you or that you should do x number of deeds to be saved or that you should use forgiveness as an excuse to sin. Strong desire to submit to authorities you are misusing their authority, strong desire to disobey authorities who are using proper authority. An overwhelming constant and sudden feeling to do something to hurt yourself and break safety protocol such as with dangerous equipment or sharp equipment (or do something crazy like jump off a bridge, etc) not because of convenience but just because you have a picture in your mind and a strange feeling in your limbs to do it, like your body wants to move on it's own. A force with no visible source that can hold people down or in place like a "ghost" of someone sitting on people and holding them in place. A bleeding ceiling. People who continually smell unclean and have an aversion to hygiene (and even smell after they bathe begrudingly?) Misuse of the word "judge."

Not all the things above are demonic 100% of the time but some or all of them can be caused by demons.

Talk to people from Hmong or Korean culture who are Christian or Shaman they will have stories if you are not familiar. Ask them if they have any stories of ghosts or demons. I am not saying that they necessarily are or are not ghosts, but there are definitely demons posing as ghosts if ghosts are not real. Not all within such groups will make such claims, but they are fairly common within such groups.

By the way I have a feeling certain programs about ghosts on T.V. are fake yet also bad to watch potentially but that is another story.

I think the bottom line is it defies physics and or you feel like you do not have control of your emotions and thoughts it feels like it is an outside presence influencing you from within you (by outside I mean someone other than yourself or God, not always outside) or the person often. You might think something but there is another layer of thoughts that just continues to reoccur in addition to the thoughts you choose, such that you can choose your thoughts but these other thoughts come regardless of what you choose (I am not saying they are unavoidable but it is very hard to stop thinking them and may require much spiritual devotion in prayer, singing or reading gods word or simply fleeing the situation or resisting and doing what they are trying to keep you from doing,) yet if you choose something that goes along with them, they will get amplified. If you know how someone usually acts in other situations when they are not doing evil, you can get a pretty good guess if it is from them themselves or a demon (because you will see the demon exhibit a different personality than their personality) except that some people are so submissive to evil that the two are like one and the same personality but then it is clear there is a demon because the person fully agrees with the demon/demonic. This is especially true in any religion where people are programmed to reject the authentic Jesus such as Jehovah witness, Mormonism, Judaism and

What I wrote might contain writing errors because it is rather long and I did not go back over it many times.
Demons will do whatever it takes to tempt a person to put their own view of anything above the word of GOD! The monogamy only position is just another blow to the word of GOD. It encourages people to put trust in their own moral view instead of GOD.

It is no doubt encouraged by demons fueled by the following:

1. Jealousy from women,
2. Envy from men.
3. Fear from Parents (for their Daughters)
4. Social acceptance from the church

And several more.

As far as casting it out, that is possible but the knowledge of the person will have to be increased before they will agree with the Word of GOD on polygamy.

It's like casting out a spirit of fear from a person, that doesn't mean they will no longer have fear if they aren't taught scripture that encourages faith in GOD and His Divine protection.

So to cast out the "monogamy only demon" we would have to totally destroy it's hiding places or it's fortress so to speak, which would most likely be, Jealousy, Pride, Fear, Selfishness, Hate, and I'm sure there are more hiding places where the "Monogamy only demon" will find to manifest it's self.

Our only weapon to keep it away is the Word of GOD and the gift of the Holy Spirit, which are the best weapons to have.

It also would be smart for us who believe in Christian Divine Marriage to establish a stronghold in a particular state to exhibit the Holiness of our Divine families. People will eventually accept the truth, not all but many will.