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Investigative Journalism Article on Bin Laden Killing


Real Person*
The London School of Books has just released a comprehensive article on the killing of Osama Bin Laden - see http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n10/seymour-m-hersh/the-killing-of-osama-bin-laden

When this extrajudicial killing first happened in 2011, I posted my thoughts here - http://www.biblicalfamilies.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2612

Some of the classic comments by others on that locked thread who did not appreciate my viewpoint were:

That polygamist deserved to be dead three thousand times over


I certainly am not a "killing children advocate". I could however, still sleep at night if a predator had lit that compound up.


some of you reading this post may feel that I am being too harsh, however Ylop opened himself to this when he suggested in a round about way that we should feel anything but joy at the death of a terrorist.

Anyhow, now that the helicopter dust has settled, and the vacuous chants of USA, USA have quietened, we have this fascinating article.

Here is a summary sourced from https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blo...aden-seymour-m-hershs-most-important-article/

1. Bin Laden hid in the Hindu Kush mountains between 2001-2006. Payoffs by the ISI to informants led to his discovery. After 2006, the ISI seized him and placed him in the compound at Abbottabad where he was murdered by the American team. They supplied him with a doctor, Amir Aziz, and kept tabs on him. Bin Laden was under constant ISI observation. The ISI has a covert base 15 minutes away by helicopter. In addition, a Pakistan army battalion headquarters is about a mile away.

2. Bin Laden was very ill, an invalid. Saudi Arabia financed bin Laden’s upkeep. Both the ISI and Saudis had good reasons to keep this information from the Americans. The ISI wanted a quid pro quo from the U.S. They also held a stick against the Saudis. The Saudis didn’t want the U.S. to know because then they’d pressure Pakistan to get bin Laden to reveal the money links between the Saudi’s large scale support of al Qaeda. The Saudis also had a stick. If they did reveal Pakistan’s knowledge of bin Laden, this would cause a political furor and interrupt the large U.S. aid to Pakistan and to the ISI in particular.

3. The ISI knew every detail of the proposed raid and influenced its shape and form. They required bin Laden to be slain. This was to prevent him from talking and revealing the Pakistani role in hiding him.

4. The U.S. learned of bin Laden’s whereabouts from a walk-in in August 2010, a man who tipped the CIA off, in order to get the large $25 million reward. He was a former senior ISI intelligence officer.

5. The U.S. turned off the money spigot to Pakistan to get the ISI to agree to the raid without any interference from Pakistan’s defense systems or military.

6. The ISI used bin Laden as a hostage in order to influence al Qaeda and Taliban operations. The ISI wanted to prevent operations against its interests.

7. The story of bin Laden going for an AK-47 is a fabrication. He was murdered. The team going in knew that it would be a homicide. There was no firefight. There was no armed resistance of any kind. The assassins were guided to his room and murdered him and not just with one or two bullets.

8. The White House account of the entire episode is riddled with one lie after another. There was, for example, no treasure trove of computers or documents found and taken from the compound.

9. Bin Laden’s remains were not flown to a U.S. ship and buried at sea. That story is a total fabrication. His remains, what was left after their near total destruction by gunfire, were flown to Afghanistan. Body parts were tossed into the mountains.

10. Zero Dark Thirty is fiction.


Now I am not saying all of the above points are the truth.

But it is wildly different from the official account.

I guess my main point is this - even back in 2011, we had global communication and awareness. We knew there were no weapons of mass destruction. Why were/are people still so willing to believe what some people in impressive uniforms and elaborate power structures tell them? Why are some people who call themselves Christian happy to endorse the slaughter of others? The drone killings continue this enduring tradition. Why are the lives of brown-skinned people not worth much? Whatever happened to trial by jury?
ylop said:
Why were/are people still so willing to believe what some people in impressive uniforms and elaborate power structures tell them?

Because the truth is independent of who tells it or how many lies have been told.

Among humans, reliability is not a boolean (0 or 1) it's a spectrum (0 to 10). When it comes to reliability...

  • A politician is at about a 2, not very reliable at all.
  • A conspiracy theorist (one who speaks ill of "uniforms and elaborate power structures") is at about a .25 to .5, not even making a full one even on a good day.
Since the government officials are more reliable than the conspiracy theorists I generally believe the government officials over the conspiracy theories most of the time.

It's simple math: 2 ÷ .25 = 8 therefore a politician, while not very reliable overall, is still eight times as reliable as a conspiracy theorist.

ylop said:
Why are some people who call themselves Christian happy to endorse the slaughter of others?

Why did God order the slaughter of the Canaanites? Why did God slaughter the Egyptian army that was pursuing Moses?

ylop said:
The drone killings continue this enduring tradition.

Believing that the primary purpose of the military is the defense of our constitutional rights does not equate to supporting drone killings. Equating the two is foolishness.

ylop said:
Why are the lives of brown-skinned people not worth much? Whatever happened to trial by jury?

Racism? Really? So when you're losing an argument and have no rational basis to argue from you cry racism?

Is that really the best that you've got?
I think it's unfair to say... well most of the things that have been said so far. I've got a big fat opinion on this subject, but what disagree with most of all is the tone here.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.


I really think at this time nobody is going to be built up or encouraged by this coversation, so I am going to withhold my obviously superior perspective on this matter as it may prove too inflamatory.

AGAPE means you have to love me.
ylop, thanks for the info. The article is more about current affairs and the big picture than I'd have thought. The story of how Hersh put it together is interesting, too.
For all you good people who believe the US's account of the death of Bin Laden, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Arizona that I'll sell cheap, I'll even throw in the Brooklyn Bridge.
Bin Laden is some kind of super man, He's been killed on 3 different accounts, recorded at different times by the US military, or CIA.
I'm also am against theory of any kind. Truth is all that counts, and that's the one thing that's in very short supply.
I'll make you a good deal on that property.
If Bin Laden didn't exist on September 11, he would have had to be invented.

One man, a convenient focus for institutionalised hate.

And much better than thinking more deeply about foreign policy blowback and other issues.