Hi. I have been a closeted polygynist since before I was married. I dedicated a decade to biblical study and have since realized that my ministry consisted of focusing on the scriptures that the CCC (Carbon Copy Christians) refuse to aknowledge. I am like the biblical shock jock of the christian community. Any way for years I have been torn concerning polygyny knowing that the OT had example after example and that there seemed to be an opposing scripture in "1Tim.3
[1] This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.[2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;"
This scripture caused me much grief until three weeks into my wifes first pregnancy. I had found the answer at
I was estatic. The desrire in my heart was nothing for me to feel ashamed of but it was the begining of alot more problems.
The majority of parishoners in my congrgation are female. Though we hold a very strict line when it comes to the authority structure there was a woman that I relied on heavily when it came to spiritual council. Any way my wife wigged out as did my councilor and back into the closet I went. But this time there was no condemnation since my desires were permissable by God.
Time passed and my daughter was Born. I found a new spiritual councilour (Another Female I dont know what is up with that) and things were good. Until a woman found her way onto my churches forum. I started teaching her scripture and showing her the truth of Gods word then we shortly realized that we wanted the same thing. We both wanted a Polygynist family. WEll here is where I screw up. I tell this woman that she should befriend my wife before we tell her that we want to get married. Basically makeing this woman start a friendship based on a lie. Smart move on my behalf. WEll my wife finds out and there was a blow out. It got pretty bad but my wife finnally came around. So now my wife accepts the fact that I am seeking another wife but is unable to trust the woman I was talking to. I am out of the closet to my wife but still closeted to the rest of the world. Not a hard secret to keep when you have only one wife.
So we are both here to learn as much as we can about how a Polygynist family works as well as leaving a door open for an opportunity to meet a woman that shares our spiritual beliefs that both my wife and I can fall in love with.
I now know that the only way this will work is if my wife loves my wife as much as I love my wife. That could be confusing out of context. God bless.
[1] This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.[2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;"
This scripture caused me much grief until three weeks into my wifes first pregnancy. I had found the answer at
I was estatic. The desrire in my heart was nothing for me to feel ashamed of but it was the begining of alot more problems.
The majority of parishoners in my congrgation are female. Though we hold a very strict line when it comes to the authority structure there was a woman that I relied on heavily when it came to spiritual council. Any way my wife wigged out as did my councilor and back into the closet I went. But this time there was no condemnation since my desires were permissable by God.
Time passed and my daughter was Born. I found a new spiritual councilour (Another Female I dont know what is up with that) and things were good. Until a woman found her way onto my churches forum. I started teaching her scripture and showing her the truth of Gods word then we shortly realized that we wanted the same thing. We both wanted a Polygynist family. WEll here is where I screw up. I tell this woman that she should befriend my wife before we tell her that we want to get married. Basically makeing this woman start a friendship based on a lie. Smart move on my behalf. WEll my wife finds out and there was a blow out. It got pretty bad but my wife finnally came around. So now my wife accepts the fact that I am seeking another wife but is unable to trust the woman I was talking to. I am out of the closet to my wife but still closeted to the rest of the world. Not a hard secret to keep when you have only one wife.
So we are both here to learn as much as we can about how a Polygynist family works as well as leaving a door open for an opportunity to meet a woman that shares our spiritual beliefs that both my wife and I can fall in love with.
I now know that the only way this will work is if my wife loves my wife as much as I love my wife. That could be confusing out of context. God bless.