Romatic_Rebel! Much kudos to you, I think you should be commended on your efforts to UNITE the whole! Given that all 3 religions, making a trinity in itself, stem from the forefather Abraham! I believe that are GOD is HUGE and not one group has it all! If that was the case, we wouldn't have so many religions! I believe that the LIGHT sparks from the Creator is scattered throughout the Earth, some to the East, some to the West; just as, we are (humanity)!
I think you should start out by visiting each faith community in your area and asking the Father to guide/show you individuals inside each faith who are WAKING up to the same conclusion as you.
The Duke Of Marshall said:
Are you ready to convert to Islam and say "Derka, derka, muhammad, jihad!" BOOM!!!
All faiths have and have had martyrs! That was a low-jab! Ouch to the Islamic faith!
DaPastor said:
Only those who do not take the Words of Christ seriously could ever meet with other faiths without preaching the gospel.
Are not, at least 50% of the Christian faith, working outside the home, meeting in public, coming to an agreement on personal, community and business affairs?
Also, wasn't it Christ who stated that "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick."
Matt 9:12 I do not believe that Christ was preaching or Bible-beating the non-believers! Christ preached the Kingdom of Heaven, which is found in all, whether Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc.
As for a name for the group, I would suggest MO, Merging Oneness! Given that all faiths believe in Oneness!