Thank you all. One of the reasons I haven't been on the boards before is because time just seems to always be sucked up and I've tried to make it a policy to be on the computer as little as possible. When we first got married, it took me a while to realize that in a way the computer was like another wife because I have to live and breath it every day. Since that realization, I try to only use it for necessary tasks and turn it off during my down times with wife and kids.
With that said, I apologize in advance for my slowness to respond to posts and e-mails. My wife is on the computer much less than myself. Neither one of us are "looking" for another wife but are open to it if that is the Lord's direction in our lives. We definitely see it and we both have certain fears of it. Mine is maintaining order and stability in the home along with the social implications of it that may negatively affect the kids. We believe in courtship and parental involvement of the marriage (not arranged marriages) of our kids (i.e. even though my oldest is not yet a teenager, I'm already looking at potential mates...LOL). Also, I would be concerned about maintaining close relationships with wives without one feeling less loved or taken care of than the other. Given that I just struggle right now in making sure I balance all of that, I doubt I'm ready or cut out for another...LOL.
As for my wife, she accepts the Biblical teachings of it but obviously has misgivings about her own character and the lies surrounding us in our society. Given that when we tell people we are looking for a Titus 2 church and we get directed to a church where the women practically run it with no real male involvement in church or family, we could only imagine the struggles she would have in both the submission to her husband and the stigma of having another wife on board...LOL.
Anyways, our desire is to initially get to know families of like mindedness. We're open to our sons and daughters being married in a polygynist setting given that we know God's leanings in the heart of that potential husband or wife. Polygyny is secondary to the radicalness of the gospel. We desire people on fire for the Lord. Polygyny is self evident as a family model not just in the Old Testament and some early church groups but is given as an example in the Proverbs 31 family via the role of maidens. It is what it is and who am I to contradict the wisdom of God?
In Christ,