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Here in Alabama


New Member
We are a married couple in Calera Alabama with only one child(7). We currently exploring our options of expanding our family. So we here learn 1st before making any commitment; this is very important to us!! I hope group will provide us direction and support what ever direction we go.
Awesome! Welcome! You're very smart to ask for input before making big steps. There's lots of wise folks here, I think you'll applicate the discussion and counsel.
Hello and Welcome!

Our family also lives in Alabama...seven miles from the Tennessee border. I saw on Google Earth that you live close to the other end of Alabama.

I don't know if you are aware of this yet, but there is a retreat coming up from December 27th - 29th in Florida. We look forward to that weekend every year. My husband and I became betrothed two years ago on December 29th. Eight months later we had a ceremony after the summer BiblicalFamilies retreat, which was on August 12th. Still, December 29th is a very special date to me. I am very thankful that we made that commitment before the Lord that day. The Lord led me to "offer him my hand to lead," and he has done a wonderful job. I am very thankful to be in this family.

I am the second wife, although I was very familiar with Biblical Plural Marriage because I was the first wife in a prior 15-year marriage that failed. I never thought I would walk back into poly though. It is a pretty unique position to have been a 1st wife and now a 2nd wife. I wouldn't trade these two years for 50 years in the previous relationship. My husband and sisterwife are amazing blessings to me.

I hope you hang out here on BibFam and get to know us all....maybe even attend a retreat? The trip is well worth it. I love all the retreats. Being able to get together with other like-minded people, and the fact that you finally get to put a face to the posts you read, is priceless.

There is a lot on this forum, old and new, and I am glad to hear that you want to dive into lots of important information before making any decision. I would say to take your time before making a covenant relationship with someone, but I would have to call my self a hipocrite if I said that because my husband and I became bethrothed after three days of meeting each other! LOL However, he, my sisterwife, and I all went to the same church/Bible college in Seattle from 1980 to 1989. It is truly a small world. It was a very large church of 3,000, but I did know who my now sisterwife was because she was forefront in music ministry. My husband, on the other hand, I only had heard of through my ex-sisterwife whose brother actually worked for my now husband! Did you get all that? LOLOL Definitely a small world!

Again, we all welcome you here at BiblicalFamilies.org! Come on in...the water is fine!!!

In Him,
Deborah, you're making us sound like a small group of inbreds! :D Calerafam, I am from the other side of the world, and although I was related to over half my school when I was young, I am not related to Deborah that I know of! Well, no more than you're related to her anyway.

Welcome! :lol:
I think Deborah post was great, it was open and made me feel welcome. I thank Deborah for her openness and honesty in her welcome of us. I hope to hear from more people like Deborah who will share all sides. So from the other side of Alabama I Thank You Deborah !!!
Welcome Calerafam! I hope you find lots of encouragement and information here. You will definitely have to get together with Deborah's family when you have a chance. It is so important to have like-minded fellowship when you can.