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Help with resources


New Member
I’m not technically new here but I’ve never posted before. So, hello! Right now a lot of people in my world are pushing hard against the idea of polygyny, with the normal arguments of its harm to women and children (among other things). The arguments that have to do with Scripture are easily answered. However, when they start pulling studies, reports, etc., I need help finding pro-polygyny reports/data on the other side. Do any of you have good resources for papers written/studies done on the results of polygyny from a non-biased perspective?
I’m not technically new here but I’ve never posted before. So, hello! Right now a lot of people in my world are pushing hard against the idea of polygyny, with the normal arguments of its harm to women and children (among other things). The arguments that have to do with Scripture are easily answered. However, when they start pulling studies, reports, etc., I need help finding pro-polygyny reports/data on the other side. Do any of you have good resources for papers written/studies done on the results of polygyny from a non-biased perspective?

First, welcome! :)

Second and to answer your question I'm afraid that there are scant papers or studies that have been done about poly from any kind of a neutral perspective. This is because anyone writing such a paper or conducting such a non-biased study would be predictably ostracized or castigated for not starting their study with the socially acceptable and predetermined conclusion of: Polygamy is evil, except when pagans, secular men, or black men do it.

That said I welcome you to conduct your own study. Introduce yourself here, make some contacts, read some posts, and then see if we all have horns and tails like the secular liberals and militant religionists would have you believe. ;)

Unfortunately, you're going to have problems with any study you find. There are many different kinds of polygyny, which kind were they studying? Forced marriage? Arranged marriage? Secular marriage? Christian marriage? Other religious marriage?
Or were they just looking at polygamy, which covers a load of stuff, and would include any sort of throuple situation that anyone feels like doing today, but not tomorrow.
They were just going blanket polygamy without distinction. Which is understandably difficult to find good resources since the most go-to resources would be biased or be based on the abuse in FDLS. I heard of a professor of anthropology from UNLV with positive research but I’d have to go digging for that. Which I will do. Thank you!
First, welcome! :)

Second and to answer your question I'm afraid that there are scant papers or studies that have been done about poly from any kind of a neutral perspective. This is because anyone writing such a paper or conducting such a non-biased study would be predictably ostracized or castigated for not starting their study with the socially acceptable and predetermined conclusion of: Polygamy is evil, except when pagans, secular men, or black men do it.

That said I welcome you to conduct your own study. Introduce yourself here, make some contacts, read some posts, and then see if we all have horns and tails like the secular liberals and militant religionists would have you believe. ;)
Thank you! That’s actually a great idea to do a study here.