God does work in mysterious ways.
Though I would have preferred a different way of getting me back on track, I can't questions His ways. He's will be done.
I never felt so alone in my life. I mean, there is always God and I know He has been there always for me. But I sit with friends, in church, and in the office and I'm thinking, what if they learn what I believed in, will they still treat me the same? Will the wives of my friends still welcome me in their homes?
We are largely a Catholic country and other Christian protestant denominations share similar doctrines.
But of course, when the time comes to stand up for the truth, I'll be there. I believe that it is the ultimate purpose of the daily pain I'm going through since 3 years ago, to prepare me mentally and emotionally for the things that is yet to come for those who hold fast to His truth.
But it's nice to find some kindred spirits.
Thank you.