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Hello from GA

Farmer in the Dell

New Member
Real Person
Hello! We are a family of 8 (six kids 11B, 10b, 9b, 7b, 4g, 2b) just joining y'all! We'd like to make it to the retreat but it seems a little cost prohibitive, might send just a few of us. I thought it might be easier for us to meet and fellowship here. We are Reformed Baptists in name but also believe in following the OT law where it hasn't been abrogated in the NT. We mostly worship on our own but we've had a dozen or so others come and go in our fellowship for Sunday services. We have a small farm with some animals, a garden and a million wild blackberries. Looking forward to 'meeting' you!
Hello! We are a family of 8 (six kids 11B, 10b, 9b, 7b, 4g, 2b) just joining y'all! We'd like to make it to the retreat but it seems a little cost prohibitive, might send just a few of us. I thought it might be easier for us to meet and fellowship here. We are Reformed Baptists in name but also believe in following the OT law where it hasn't been abrogated in the NT. We mostly worship on our own but we've had a dozen or so others come and go in our fellowship for Sunday services. We have a small farm with some animals, a garden and a million wild blackberries. Looking forward to 'meeting' you!
Welcome! Also from Georgia! What general area of the state are you in?
Evidently you are in the neighborhood of one of my favorite celebrities! 😊
Welcome! Glad you found the place. Keeping up the trend I see. Mostly boys! LOL

My wife and I have 3 boys and it's funny how the vast majority of the members who come to retreats seem to have mostly boy children.
Welcome! Glad you found the place. Keeping up the trend I see. Mostly boys! LOL

My wife and I have 3 boys and it's funny how the vast majority of the members who come to retreats seem to have mostly boy children.
Bummer, we were hoping to find them some wives! 🤣 They'll sure be happy to make some new buddies though!
Welcome to the forum!
Hi! This is the wife :) I created the profile to be shared b/w us. Can I still join the chat? Or do I have to have a 'female' specific profile?
You do need a female specific profile. If your husband plans to interact also there are men only and woman only areas so you'll likely want your own. The software keeps track of what you have read as well....so yet another advantage to separate accounts.
Welcome! Glad you found the place. Keeping up the trend I see. Mostly boys! LOL

My wife and I have 3 boys and it's funny how the vast majority of the members who come to retreats seem to have mostly boy children.
Hubby and I have 6 sons to 3 daughters. So far my sisterwife has a boy and a girl.

We are way out west in Arid-zona in a different world from the humid green one back east.
Cyber friends and fellowship beats none....but I envy Yall that can make the retreat the good time you'll have.
Welcome, so glad you found us. I was just recently up your way. Love North GA! @Joleneakamama is correct, a separate account labeled as Female is helpful. I hope you will try it out and come to our Tuesday night Ladies Chat. You can find the info about it under the Ladies Only section.
Shalom and welcome!
Welcome from another farmer in a different dell!

And yes, please use separate accounts, for above reasons but also because it's just really helpful to know who we're talking to.