Love you man.
As a college-educated fool, I applaud your dedication to the Scriptures and searching deep in the Word. As has been reflected in my testimony, a lot of my growth in the Lord has come from "unlearning" the things I have learned. There is nothing as personal and revelatory as studying the Word of God and having your heart leap at a concept on idea that you have never seen before.
However, I do not diminish the value of a solid education. You get out of it what you put in it. I am thankful to God for allowing me the opportunity to be exposed to great Bible teachers and preachers that spoke truth into my life. I am also thankful to the HUNDREDS of books that I was introduced to that allowed me to learn from teachers who have already passed from this life. I am thankful to God that I was exposed to ideas and concepts that it might have taken me decades to come across or learn on my own.
I am thankful to God for the two years of Greek, and the year of Hebrew I took in college.
I am thankful to God for three years of hermenuetics, the three years of homiletics, the three years of bibliology, the two years of soteriology, the two years of christology, the semester of angeology, the semester of eschatology, and the year of pneumatology.
Impressed yet?
When I was 16, I was preaching. I was ready to take on the world. If preaching was whale-hunting, then I had a jar of tartar sauce ready to go! But there was an 80 plus year old preacher whom I greatly admired, and I told him one day that I wanted to go out and start preaching....all I needed was my Thompson Chain Reference Bible and a handkerchief to wipe the sweat. After all, he never went to college....everything he learned he got from being on his knees and being in the Word.
But you know what he said to me?
He said, "Son, if I had to do it over again, I would have gone to school. Instead of learning from the school of hard knocks, whose school colors are black and blue, you can learn from the experience and hard work of others. Go to Bible college....get an education...get prepared...and do the job right the first time. Don't be like me where it has taken sixty years to learn how to really understand the Word."
That is the only reason I even went to Bible college, but boy, am I glad I did. I would have gone off into so much error and preached so much crap that it would be amazing if God saved even one soul from that preaching.
I don't mean to diminish your argument, because you know how much I greatly respect you. However, when you mention those college dropouts that are CEOS, yes it is true, that does happen....but for every college dropout I can line up a 1000 who AREN'T who are successful business leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, and yes, even theologians. And believe me, I understand what you are saying about Wal-Mart, too. There are a lot of college educated folks working there, HOWEVER, I ask that you do not judge them too quickly. Who knows if they have been laid off from another job, have been down-sized, or their work eliminated? Now as to the college fools, well to them I say, get to work! After all, I am a college fool, and at this time last year was holding down a full-time job, and two part-time...hey, that sounds like someone I know who DIDN'T go to college! LOL
Anyway, I am just saying this to let you know I do not take any offense to the education remarks. I understand where you are coming form on it, and agree with you on a lot of it. Pray for us with degrees that we may outgrow them and seek the Lord while there is still time.