I like watching speedruns of video games. I know I just lost most of you right there, but for those of you who are left: Hear my pain.
I love watching someone just absolutely wreck a game I poured out my childhood on in minutes flat and every once in a while I check back to see if anyone's broken an old game in a new way. So I check back at this place and see that there's this woman's only event called Frame Fatales. Which obviously is a bit of an eye roll for me because I don't see the point, the regular events include men and women runners and it's not even a competition and no-one's going for a record: they're really only showcasing stupid fast runs for video games. Anyone with no life could do it. But whatever, they wanna have a women's only event to showcase the ladies of the speedrunning world and i wanna see someone wreck a game and I'm not really picky about who.
20 seconds in and it's apparent that both the runner and the commentator are men who think all it takes to be a female are falsettos, wigs, and a lisp. This all women's event is made up roughly 50/50 of females and men who wish they were women really hard. And now I'm just irritated because all I wanted to do is nerd out for a minute but no. Literal Sodom needs to jump in waving flags to remind me that gender is just like, your opinion man. And I'm not gonna enjoy watching a run with some dude tee-heeing his way through commentary the whole way.
I have standards. They are low, but they exist.
I love watching someone just absolutely wreck a game I poured out my childhood on in minutes flat and every once in a while I check back to see if anyone's broken an old game in a new way. So I check back at this place and see that there's this woman's only event called Frame Fatales. Which obviously is a bit of an eye roll for me because I don't see the point, the regular events include men and women runners and it's not even a competition and no-one's going for a record: they're really only showcasing stupid fast runs for video games. Anyone with no life could do it. But whatever, they wanna have a women's only event to showcase the ladies of the speedrunning world and i wanna see someone wreck a game and I'm not really picky about who.
20 seconds in and it's apparent that both the runner and the commentator are men who think all it takes to be a female are falsettos, wigs, and a lisp. This all women's event is made up roughly 50/50 of females and men who wish they were women really hard. And now I'm just irritated because all I wanted to do is nerd out for a minute but no. Literal Sodom needs to jump in waving flags to remind me that gender is just like, your opinion man. And I'm not gonna enjoy watching a run with some dude tee-heeing his way through commentary the whole way.
I have standards. They are low, but they exist.