The World sees no good in PM. But, if businessmen do good for community, utilising 501(c)3, and the businessmen just happen to be in PM, then the focus isn't upon religion, and it shouldn't be. Jew, Christian and Muslim all have natural rights.
The playing field isn't religion, it's benefitting community. The World is tired of hearing about religion, and polygamy because the gross and illegal cases on the media.
A good name is what PM needs to be accepted.
It's like this, if it's members were on national television, what would it be about? Just religion? The World is board, and asleep while media makes it a religious issue. And then public hate PM.
Non profit laws are fairly simple.
Some form of PM law abiding community, campground, apartment building, hotel, farm, commercial building renovation.
There is more than one way to skin a cat pertaining to laws.
I won't disclose idea particulars without Non Disclose agreement via email.