Fairlight, that is exactly why I rarely speak of my experiences and even then I will *never* count it as prophecy, even if it turns out to be true. It isn't that I do not believe in prophecy, I certainly do, I just won't trust it is God I'm hearing from until I see the proof and by then no point in talking about it. Those I share with tend to be very close friends who understand I do not consider myself to be prophesying... I tend to take them as conversations and information shared from God to me and keep it personal. I will say it is never anything big and has more to do with things in my sphere like pregnancies (friends usually), deaths, things I need to make a decision on and felt uncertain or lacked information, etc.
I think if it were ever anything "big" it would scare me too much anyway to share. God knows this about me so I do not believe He will ever do that to me. There are true prophets still in this age but my (very personal) opinion is if they are on TV or radio screaming 'thus sayeth the Lord' then I rule them out. I believe true prophets have humble spirits and only directly tell those open to the word or who the word they received is for. The rest are just money changers with parlor tricks. Harsh sounding I suppose, but again, my own personal opinion.