FYI to anyone on here that has gone to my sister wife and has said anything about what I have posted or your Opinion of my marriage or how it works please stop all it is doing is making it harder for our family to heal in anyway. If you don’t really know what is happening in our family because you are not here to see it or know what is really going on then you have no place telling her about it or anything other then to Encourage her to be a righteous wife and person. To encourage her to work on her walk with God just like so many women on here have done for me. I am not perfect and I just like the rest of my family have made mistakes. Be a friend that listens just like so many on here have done for me. Don’t put yourself in to a family or our marriages to the point of starting drama. I am sure I know who has said stuff and has put their too cents in but like a lot of the women that I talked to on here they have done nothing but have listened and told me to try and focus on my marriage and that I am not to blame for the marriage of my husband with another wife. Even if I feel like it is my fault for it. I got yelled at by my sister wife saying that some people on here feel that I have 100% control over my husband and that is far from the truth. You may not agree with what I have written on here and feel that because he has not Corrected me on here for what I have put if he feels it is wrong then you are wrong. Instead of correcting me out in the open he does it in our home the two of us, Husband and Wife. So please if you are going to her and saying anything at all don’t put your opinion in to it. If she is just saying that is what people are saying then I am sorry for saying anything on here. I am just tired of the extra drama and we really need to focus on more important things then the added stress of more drama being added. I would also like to thank the women I have talked to about any of it for just being good listeners and for making sure I am working on focusing on the more important things in it all. I have gotten some really good Advice from some of you that has really help me. I feel do to all of this that it is best that I don’t come on here for sometime. If we have been Messaging on here I will still get an email and I still will respond. I am sorry again if she was just saying any of it and it was not done by anyone on here. Again my husband is the head of house hold and makes his own decisions. If some feel that is not the case then take it up with him and not go to one of his wives and say different. Thank you and Shalom