Do we have vision for our family? Have we laid out clear direction? Let us be visionaries and give clear direction for our wives and children. Most families are like lost hikers in the woods. Wondering around aimlessly without a sense of direction and the only way of orientation is crossing a faintly familiar spot. "Have we come this way before"? "I think so". "I thought we have already dealt with this"." I thought we have already moved past that." Do not allow your family to get caught in the vicious cycle of life, instead turn it into a linear progression. The world is full of husbands who will not lead and wives who will not follow. Let us lead and give them something to follow. Many reading this article have been married and woke up one day and realized we are going in different directions. Some have chosen to try and get on track with each other. Some have decided to part ways. After all, if you are heading north and I'm heading south, how can we fly on the same plane? Eventually at one of the layovers we'll have to part ways or change the tickets. When we as Husbands and fathers do not lead, it causes our wives and children to find their own direction. Husbands, are you looking for another wife? Let them know, they aren't just marrying a man but a vision also. Ask them are you going my way? What a pickup line, hey, it works for hitchhikers. lol. Understand family is much bigger than ourselves and it doesn't find all its fullness in ourselves. Have a conversation with God, and get clear direction, vision, purpose, whatever you want to call it, for your family. Only then can we move from disfunctional to functional. All families need clear direction for maximum efficiency but especially poly families. In short let us be true patriarchs not just in title but in practice.