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Are you freaking kidding me?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
This is why I live at the foothills of the Olympic National Park and own many guns people! You can come after me in the sticks of western Washington and try to take my sons... but be warned, I’ve taught em to shoot straight! We are geared up!

I signed it! Disgusting! Heartbreaking!


Sorry if my reaction is a bit too aggressive Samuel. Messing with children like this against a fathers wishes is horrific.
Militia anyone? How far are we going to allow the corrupt government to go before we take action? Our forefathers would be shooting by now.
I knew my BF homies would feel me on this.
Thanks gentlemen. :cool:

I’m excited to get back into YouTubing soon and using that as a platform for raising awareness on crap like this going on all around us in our rotten pagan society. :)

Zec is already preparing the southern Militia. :)
Right on @Pacman ... we are the general militia, and as such it’s our responsibility to be prepared...
...at the very least to protect our own as men of God.
I’m preparing myself and my family for what may come. So Much is in our face already. Like @Cap said, they are openly worshipping Molech in literally every city! The enemy is preparing. So should we!

We men are part of a much needed 2nd Christian reformation... wherein we revive true Biblical Patriarchy... which involves a mans God given rights to do a few things essentially IMO;
-own and live off my chunk of dirt
-build my family as I see fit (this includes polygyny)
-protect that which is mine!
We men are part of a much needed 2nd Christian reformation... wherein we revive true Biblical Patriarchy... which involves a mans God given rights to do a few things essentially IMO;
-own and live off my chunk of dirt
-build my family as I see fit (this includes polygyny)
-protect that which is mine!

I approve this message.

Video at the website makes a good point: messing with the sexual identity of a child IS sexual abuse.

The mother has to have some kind of mental illness

Almost certainly. To me is sounds like either psychopathy or an outgrowth of the same thing that leads to Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Sadly I'm hearing reports that since the media started pushing this trans thing schools now have a significant minority of transitioning children. Not just one or two but 5 or 10 or more. This sort of thing did not exist in any form a generation ago.

The worst part though is this is court sanctioned sexual abuse. Our society has gone mad. Well, actually it has gone evil. Think of how evil our society must be that this sort of madness not just goes on, but does so unopposed.
I have a feeling that what's getting ready to come out in the current US politics is going to blow this thing wide open. Pedophilia is going to come out and show the world what really is going on and then we will see the most disgusting thing when the average population is going to be OK with it. This is going to be really bad.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” - Isaiah 5:20-21

It’s so sad that this verse applies to such a large part of Society.
These are the end-times, my friends.
It will only get worse from here on. Build your clan, choose your battles.
I’m sitting here speechless. I spent 4 years in the military, 9 years in the war zone for what? So some (not a mother) female can take and turn her son into a eunuch? Child mutilation used to ge illegal. Now, we are going back how many centuries? How many millennia? Taking and creating eunuch’s and sacrificing our babies, after the birth, as in the days of sacrificing to Baal??? God save us!
This is why I live at the foothills of the Olympic National Park and own many guns people! You can come after me in the sticks of western Washington and try to take my sons... but be warned, I’ve taught em to shoot straight! We are geared up!

I signed it! Disgusting! Heartbreaking!


Sorry if my reaction is a bit too aggressive Samuel. Messing with children like this against a fathers wishes is horrific.
God give us more men like you!
Really drives home how blessed we on here are by the beautiful godly wives and children God HAS blessed us with. Clearly, He will not let the cup of wrath pour out without setting aside a remnant.

I was struck by that yesterday as well; how special the wives here are. In embracing polygamy they are fulfilling everything Christians claim to believe in but don't. To go against the grain like this to pursue their husband's calling in the face of much opposition is incredibly difficult and greatly to be commended.

Truly a remnant.