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Amazon Smile

I don't know if Amazon is communist or not, but it is certainly evil and seeks to enslave us all. I would say that it is part of "the beast system", or that it serves " the dragon".

Of course Communism is also evil, serves the dragon, and is part of the beast system.

The trouble is that these days I feel that way about almost every large corporation, government agency, media outlet, University, etc.

Amazon is evil, but WalMart, Target, Costco, McDonald's, Pepsi, Lowes, United Airlines, Airbnb, Twitter, Netflix, and a thousand other corporations aren't exactly good either. Amazon is probably more evil than most companies.

The more business we can do with private individuals, or small local businesses the better.
Absolutely! Support local, family businesses whenever possible.
Some folks have a difficult time acquiring much needed supplies. Many of them are isolated in communities far from large shopping centers, stores, retailers etc. Amazon will deliver anywhere (just about). This is a real service to people like me. Driving 3 hours each way just to go shopping in the big city (which really stresses me out) is not my idea of convenience or practicality (not to mention what I have to pay for fuel costs on top of it all). Yup. Seems to me like monopolies are just capitalism gone astray. Perhaps that's what communism really is. It is said that he who has the gold makes the rules. Who's image and superscription is on your money? Wait a minute... It isn't reaallly "your" money is it? Your name isn't on it. Your image isn't on it. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate all this BUSY ness. After all, isn't that what is really being discussed here? If we would be purists about it I should think we would return to the barter system. Some communities work well using tokens. If they work too well you already know who will step in to stop it. I agree that we would do well to support local and family business whenever possible. All too often for some it isn't that possible.