Big news! We are happy to announce that Biblical Families has been acquired by Elon Musk in a deal that way over-values us. Apparently he thinks Biblical polygamy will give him some new kind of 'street cred', so we got that going for us. This deal came together quick (we said 'yes' when he started talking) and we still have details to be worked out, but promises made include future Tesla 6-door vans for all plural families currently signed up on Biblical Families. And a lottery for a trip to Mars for all fathers with 9 or more kids. (Everyone else has kindly stepped backwards, making @The Revolting Man a shoe-in.) We've been promised visibility that will increase signups by about a million people a year - we're not worried about what kind of things they'll post, now that PM is so respectable, compared to, well... everything else going on in society. The Babylon Bee has promised not to make jokes about polygamy, since he owns them too now. Those with wives overseas that they've never met, will be eligible for a special Starlink Internet discount. Custom 'Jezebel Assailer' flame-throwers should be available in time for the Tactical Masculinity event in May. And preppers will get 90%-off Boring Company tunnels for bugout locations, as long as there's room made for 20 extra single-moms and kids living in the vicinity.
To celebrate, there will be Dogecoin available for everyone soon! (Just send us your bitcoin address, and private key, so we can expedite this.)
To celebrate, there will be Dogecoin available for everyone soon! (Just send us your bitcoin address, and private key, so we can expedite this.)
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