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A Message on Girly Greatness


Seasoned Member
Real Person
....confused that there are no responses to your thread?
Perhaps this....

At 1:05 this preacher says "If you're here with your wife, would you turn over to her and say 'I found a good thing.'?"
Here's how I see this....
He put every husband (with wife present) in that room in a no-win situation.
What is the husband to do? He can...
1) Do as he was instructed and present himself to his wife as being a submissive doer of what he's told to do, or
2) Refuse and do nothing and then perhaps his wife wonders if he doesn't think she's a "good thing" for him.
3..n) ???
How can the husband win that?
I stopped watching right there.

Home bible study led by the husband sounds like a really good approach.

"The only thing a woman can't do better than a man is to grow a beard."

I'm all for talking positively about women, and I think it's hugely needed on here, but we're not equal and women can not do everything better than a man. That's fact. We're meant to be different and unique, and that's the treasure, that's the rubies. Unfortunately that's what many people miss.
I was gonna say!! What's up with WOHY??

Whew. What a relief.

Now I can make fun of the silly hipster without having to feel the slightest bit guilty.

I'm trying to listen. Skinny jean capris notwithstanding, the high pitched voice makes me cringe. This can't be a dude. I could really go for a pukey face emoji right now.

Honestly I can't play this with my kids around and expose them to such blatant blasphemy.
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:eek: The pants

The message :confused::confused:

It’s sad really. :(

To be honest, I only made it half way through :p o_O
I'm trying to listen. Skinny jean capris notwithstanding, the high pitched voice makes me cringe. This can't be a dude. I could really go for a pukey face emoji right now.
I thought he was gay until he mentioned that he had a wife. His voice, his mannerisms, those pants...
I only made it to 7 minutes in, I couldn't do longer than that.

Why is it that most things promoting women and 'lifting' us up are all about us being better than men? It's like the only way to encourage a woman or show how amazing she is is by putting her in a category she shouldn't be in.
I thought he was gay until he mentioned that he had a wife
I hate to break it to you, but nowadays the word “wife” can cover a lot of territory.....:eek:
So, apparently 6 months after that message he opened up about his wife having an affair and she divorced him.
His message was descentizing. Starting off with the statement of queen eascheba in the first ten to twelve seconds. Playing Bible word games to get a certain emotional response he was going for. No one is to put anything above God, if you watch the video again with the bases the preacher is saying the other gender comes first, it paints a whole different out look on his message. He is not approaching with Biblical soundness. God comes first always, focus on him and he will bring the wives that are meant for you and not the brownies.