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A late introduction


New Member
I realized after several weeks on here I have never introduce myself. :D haha

Well, I suppose its better late than never right? Well first off, hello and shalom to all you happy people!! I'm Michael and its very nice to meet you all. I hope to learn alot in depth about this certain lifestyle as I continue my walk in torah. I never knew if or when I ever would find a place that covered polygamy. I always had been accepted about the subject since...wow, as far back as I can remember (maybe since I was 12 or so). But I never openly talked about it since I feared at that time I would be frowned upon for such 'crazy thoughts'.

But God has a funny sense of humor it seems as I find myself here a bit more openly all because of my family living that in their own lives. Anyway, long story short, I hope to find the answers I need and see where Ha'shem takes it all.
Shalom and welcome.
Welcome an shalom!!
Welcome! Hope you find many good answers.