This morning I woke up and saw Slumberfreeze off to work around 6:30 am. I had time to make a cup of tea (which I haven't had any of yet -lol!) I made a lemon ginger herbal tea this morning. I had time to put a load of laundry in the washer, do my makeup and straighten up the toys in the living room before at 7:00, when a kid I'm babysitting was being dropped off. Our kids will be in bed awhile longer so I'm going try to get my devotional done, prep our daughter's school work, straighten up the kitchen before they are up. Today is looking like it might be a bit busy, but I'm doing to try to post throughout the day some updates of how a day in Rainy's shoes has been. We have a school to do, grocery shopping, we were invited to do a pinata at a friend's house, my brother is coming over to help me take some stuff to the dump and then our oldest has sports this afternoon. Sometime in this I hope to bring in the storage totes of winter clothes and put away our summer clothes. So that's looking like my plan so far, hope you all have a blessed day!