...what is the radius around one of these 5G hotspot towers within which the bulk of the most damaging effects will occur?
If one were unable to completely avoid 5G towers, how distant from them could one live but still be able to access jobs, etc., in cities that have them every mile or so?
The short answer is the only good news: the most damaging radiation is blocked by many things - trees, walls, and people and animals that absorb it; even the atmosphere (rain, too) tend to absorb and block the radiation. So - they have to put up a LOT of these damned things, and often right outside people's houses, bedrooms, and offices. But there's much more to it.
I like to answer such questions with a physical metaphor that's easier to see for most:
If you are shot with a bullet, will you die? How much damage will it do, etc. The answer is similar - it depends on the distance, how big is the bullet (caliber), velocity, shape, etc. And the farther you are from the source of the damage (antenna) - the better.
With 5G, it's WAVELENGH (inverse of frequency) that matters. To oversimplify, 5G bands (there are many, all at extremely high frequency, thus short wavelength) are at what are called "millimeter" wavelengths (frequencies from about 3 GHz, up to many times that, currently as high as 28 and 39 GHz, but they will include higher bands still as the perfidy continues to be rolled out.)
ONE problem with millimeter wavelengths is that they are so small (on the order of the size of the pores in your skin) that even those same pores act as tiny parabolic antennas, to absorb and focus the radiation. Thus, what the military has known about (and deployed) for decades:
what are called "Active Denial Systems" - aka the "Pain Ray" - that can be pointed at crowds to disperse (or kill, at higher power and longer exposure) because people feel incredible heat in those pores, and panic, as if they were ('cause they ARE) being burned alive.
Here is a bit of information I heard years ago (cannot confirm precisely, and I suspect the actual details are classified) - the ADS frequency often used is in the vicinity of 60 GHz (GigaHertz). But I have no doubt that the military and others know how to 'tune' the effects as desired. Note, too, that pulsed signals (modulated, as in the process of putting information on them) can further cause problems with living tissues.
Isn't it funny that Verizon, ATT, Big Brother, and all of those deploying these 'people-control' (and Mark of the Beast) technologies don't EVER talk about how deadly they are KNOWN to be? I see things (even from the likes of the IEEE) that ignore the obvious, and pretend the military applications and effects haven't been studied for years, but not advertised.
The wavelengths are also small enough, and a number of stories have provided medical evidence to this effect, to directly damage cells, including "double-breaks" to DNA. The question has been asked: is there a "two-factor interaction" with the mRNA/nanotech/graphene injections? There is certainly an undeniable "signal" that suggests those in 5G-saturated areas are dying at even higher rates than others.
Finally, the power level itself, and the fact that extremely short wavelength radiation can be focused, and track intended targets. (Don't forget how cellphones 'ping' the towers; the towers can be, and are, designed to find and track the signal source, focusing radiation on the target; things called "flat-plate arrays" are much easier to build at short wavelengths, because they are smaller and more easily 'steered' by intelligent controllers.)
It has been obvious for quite some time that even the power cables feeding many of these 5G cell towers (which are often DISGUISED now, too - think 'fake trees' and even 'fake cactus' in places like Phoenix) are MUCH bigger than most engineers think would be necessary for daily operation. Which leads to the other obvious point: what happens when the builders decide to "target" an area and just 'crank up the power'?
As a ham, I have a lot of test equipment. It's relatively easy to "sniff out" RF sources are the frequencies I have used for radio equipment ('shortwave', or the HF ham bands, for talking around the world, and 2M, or VHF, in small hand-held "HT's", and so on) - but stuff that will identify and locate potentially deadly transmitters at 10 GHz and above is FAR more expensive; I can't afford anything like that. (But - it occurs to me that a cellphone that receives such can be so modified...I just don't want one around, for the obvious reason.)
So - bottom line:
People need to find these things, and say "not just NO, but HELL NO!" - don't put any of them anywhere NEAR my home, children, dogs, or loved ones. It has already been made literally almost impossible (FCC pre-emption, and to HELL with your health!) in municipalities, and places where they can put the damned thing on a public street or easement outside somebody's home or apartment.
With 35 acres, I can, and WILL, keep my eyes out. (Being 100% off-grid, and out in those boondocks, it won't be easy for them to sneak in the tower and powerlines, nor are we likely targets - too little revenue for cell profit.) But if something appears on MY property that I don't allow - it will be destroyed 'with prejudice.'
I can't suggest what others need to do, for obvious reasons as well. But, as the article suggested, there are now even MORE reasons to get out of the Leftist Cesspool City Death Traps.